To be used alongside the Maths White Board Projector tool (available within specific pages on the site), you can screen mirror your Maths White Board page to here from another device. If this device is connected to a projector, it means that you can be mobile and move around the room whilst still delivering your content.

This feature is experimental and still in early development. Please give any feedback via

To start, enter the room code provided in the host's MWB projector tool:

Done that! Let's get casting!

Please ensure the number above matches the provided number on the host device otherwise a connection will not be made.


• Ask your IT team to add and to the internet filter whitelist. Dependency on the third party signalling server will be removed soon.

• Ensure both devices are connected to the same network.

• If the connection fails, check the username and password for wifi access has domain level access.

• Ensure that you are not using your mobile data plan to form a connection.